Sunday, April 24, 2011

Using Tagsistant

After installing Tagsistant we need to start it up and get it set up.

Make a directory that will contain tags:

user@computer> mkdir ~/Papers_tfs

(My pdf files are contained in a directory named Papers, so I append an tfs to denote that this is a tagsistant file system version of the original.)

To start Tagsistant:

user@computer> sudo tagsistant ~/Papers_tfs

Make some tags (note that "tags" are actually directories, and this explains why they are created using mkdir):

user@computer> mkdir ~/Papers_tfs/numerical_analysis
user@computer> mkdir ~/Papers_tfs/approximation_theory
user@computer> mkdir ~/Papers_tfs/orthogonal_polynomials
user@computer> mkdir ~/Papers_tfs/mathematics

Add some files, i.e. Tag your files:

user@computer> cp ~/Papers/paper_on_interpolation.pdf ~/Papers_tfs/numerical_analysis/
user@computer> cp ~/Papers/paper_on_interpolation.pdf ~/Papers_tfs/approximation_theory/
user@computer> cp ~/Papers/paper_on_interpolation.pdf ~/Papers_tfs/mathematics/
user@computer> rm ~/Papers/paper_on_interpolation.pdf
user@computer> cp ~/Papers/paper_on_Legendre_polynomials.pdf ~/Papers_tfs/numerical_analysis/
user@computer> cp ~/Papers/paper_on_Legendre_polynomials.pdf ~/Papers_tfs/orthogonal_polynomials/
user@computer> cp ~/Papers/paper_on_Legendre_polynomials.pdf ~/Papers_tfs/approximation_theory/
user@computer> cp ~/Papers/paper_on_Legendre_polynomials.pdf ~/Papers_tfs/mathematics/
user@computer> rm ~/Papers/paper_on_Legendre_polynomials.pdf

Note: Only one copy of paper_on_interpolation.pdf is stored is stored in ~/.tagsistant/archive/. This applies to paper_on_Legendre_polynomials.pdf, as well.

We can browse our files using tags now:

user@computer> ls -la ~/Papers_tfs/approximation_theory/AND/numerical_analysis/AND/orthogonal_polynomials/

and we would get:



user@computer> ls -la ~/Papers_tfs/approximation_theory/AND/numerical_analysis/



Shutting down the filesystem:

user@computer> sudo fusermount -u ~/Papers_tfs

Note: Your files are still available (in ~/.tagsistant/archive/ as mentioned above) even when tagsistant is not running.

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